SurveyFactory Documentation Documentation Multiple Answer Menu
Multiple Answer Menu

The Multiple Answer Menu question type asks the respondent to select one or more option(s) from a list of choices. You can restrict the number of options the respondent can select or let them choose as many as they'd like.

The Multiple Answer Menu question type is great for long lists when you need the respondent to be able to select many options. The list is displayed in a small box and the respondent can scroll the list up and down. This way you don't need to display the whole list on the page at once, which could be an eyesore.


When selecting a question or content type, you can see what you're getting before you make your decision! Click on the Examples link at the top-right of each question type box. You'll get a brief preview of what the type looks like and how you might use it.

Template design

Multiple Answer Menu template variables