Help:SuperMatrix Column Type
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Select the type of the column you would like to add. There are five different options available. The SUPER Matrix™ question is basically a matrix question type where you are able to combine a variety of other question types we offer into a table grid.

Choose One Answer (Radio Buttons)

This column type utilizes the radio buttons to only allow the survey respondent to select one answer choice for this column. The select box also only accepts a single answer choice, but it can only display one answer choice. The radio buttons column can display all the answer choices simultaneously.

Choose Multiple Answers (Check Boxes)

This column type utilizes the check boxes to allow the survey respondent to select several answer choices for this column. The multiple select box also accepts several answer choices.

Single Answer Menu (Select Box)

This column type utilizes the select box to limit the survey respondent to select only one answer for this column. Although this select box can only display a single answer choice at any given time, the select box has the benefit of being able to fit in a column a lot easier than the radio buttons. Each answer choice you add to the radio buttons will require more space within the column.

Multiple Answer Menu (Multiple Select Box)

This column type utilizes the multiple select box to allow the survey respondent to select several answer choices for this column. The check box column type also accepts several answer choices.

Open Ended Text Input (Text Field or Text Area)

This column type utilizes the text field or text area, which you can choose, to allow survey respondent to enter text for this anwer column.