Help:Response Frequency (link publication)
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The Response Frequency field for link publications determines how many times an individual participant can take the survey. Please note that this cannot be perfectly enforced, but that SurveyFactory does its best through the use of cookies and email verification. Both of these methods of identification are optional, but cookies are enabled by default.

One Response per Respondent

This option will attempt to limit respondents to submitting a complete or accepted response for this survey only one time. By default, it will force the respondent's browser to accept cookies, but this will not prevent the respondent from manually deleting the cookies on their browser. You can override the cookie settings by checking the 'HTTP Cookies' option in Access Restrictions and editing the Cookie Enforcement options that appear.

Furthermore, if you have enabled Email Verification within the Access Restrictions for this publication, setting this field to One Response per Respondent will only allow users to submit one verified email response per address.

You should also note that completed response which are not accepted and charged to your account may be deleted after 30 days of inactivity. This would allow the respondent to take the survey again. If you want to allow the respondent to take the survey again, you can delete their existing response, which will permit them to submit another.

Multiple Responses per Respondent

There are some settings where you may wish to allow multiple responses per respondent. In this case, further fields will appear in the Access Restrictions options allowing you to control how many responses per respondent you would like to allow.