Help:Open Ended Add Multiple Answer Fields
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If you have a long list of answer fields to add, it can be a burden to have to manually enter each one and add them separately. The Add Multiple Answer Fields section can be used in these situations. If the section window is closed, click on the arrow to open the box and you will see a textarea into which you can type all of your answers. There are two methods that can be used to input your multiple answer fields, depending on whether each answer has additional information that must be defined.

Enter one answer text per line

The easiest way to quickly enter multiple answers for your question is to type the Answer Text for each answer on its own line in the Multiple Answers text area. When you click the Add Multiple Answers button, it will create an answer choice for each non-empty line you have entered.

Comma separated values (CSV) entry

Must include "FROM CSV" as the first line in multiple answer text field to trigger CSV additions. Otherwise, each line is represented as a single answer text.

CSV format:

Text Field Label,Response Required[0|1],Default Answer

By default response required will be set to 1 and default answer will be left empty. Default answer will be tested against the ranking restrictions (minimum rank, maximum rank and all increments in between) as configured for the question and an alert will be thrown if any default answer fails those restrictions. Including any tempalte toolkit code ([% * %]) will also bypass default answer tests.