Help:MatrixRadioButtons Question Options

Response Required

This field simply indicates whether the survey taker will be required to fill this question or not. If the survey taker forgets to fill out a required question, an error message will appear near the question.

If a survey taker skips over a required question, an error message is displayed. The default error message of "You must select an answer for the following question!" is displayed. You can customize the error message near the bottom of the question editor, under the section Customize Error Messages for this Question, in the field Question Required.

Add single text field column for comments

By selecting this option, a text field column will be added to the end of the column list, allowing respondents to provide an open answer/comment for each row (question). You can tweak the specifics for this comment field under the section Additional Comment Text Field. Please note that this field only appears when the comment field check box is checked.

Each answer column may be selected only once

When this option is checked, each column can only have be selected once. When rating 3 shows with the columns "Favorite", "Average", and "Least Favorite", this option would guarantee that the survey respondent would not be able to have 2 favorite shows.

With this option checked, when the survey participant attempts to select a column answer choice more than once, an error message will be displayed. This error message can be customized in the Customize Error Messages for this Question section. Enter the custom error message in the field Duplicate Selection.