Help:FileUpload Field Order
Revision as of 23:21, 24 March 2013 by Matt (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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The upload fields for this question can be ordered in three different ways.

As Specified Below

This is the default option for this field. The answer fields are listed in the same order as you list them in the Answer Fields box.

Randomize Upload Fields

When this option is selected, the upload fields will be listed in a randomized order. When a survey participant encounters the question for the first time, the upload fields will be randomized and then displayed. However, when the respondent returns to the question again at a later time, the order of the upload fields are preserved from when they were first randomized.

Alphabetize Upload Fields

This option will list the upload fields in an alphabetized order, based on the upload field labels. Please note that alphabetizing upload fields in different languages may or may not be correct.