Help:Email Verification Enforcement (link publication)
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Enforcement determines at what point in the response the email verification process will take place.

Request email verification at end of survey

The email verification process will always begin once the respondent has submitted their survey response as complete.

Request email verification before proceeding with survey

If this option is selected, the verification process may occur before or during the survey response, depending on what has been selected in the field To.

If the option Prompt for email address is selected for the To field, the verification process begins before the survey is started and questions are shown with a prompt for the respodent's email address followed by the verification process. However, if a question has been selected here to indicate that it will contain respondent's email address, the email verification process will begin as soon as the respondent provides a valid answer to that question. Keep in mind that if that question is not required, it will be possible for a respondent to submit the survey as complete without going through any email verification process.